ID: 9570fe1 0.22 Afterlife experiences - 06/06/2015 * Features - Add the ability for the marine to play as a babbler once dead --> Auto respawn each "wave" of 50s --> Auto respawn when the Faded spawn babblers - Add a 70s delay after a changemap, and a 8s delay between each round - Change the armory behaviour (players will buy weapon with PRes) - The scoreboard is not anymore hidden (exept for the faded players as a marine) * Balance - Mines (both) do not explode anymore on babblers - Battery are now visible on the minimap for marines * Fixes - Fixed some compatiblity issues - Fixed battery locked sometime on an unpowered building - Fixed marines being spammed on the chat when the round start - Fixed faded FOV - Fixed faded bilebomb fire rate being shared by all the Faded team - Fixed Heavy shotgun displayed as a "shotgun" on the scoreboard * Others - Change marine/spectator 'x' menu to use command more easily - Add variables to the json - Optimise server side update loop - Update the marine buy menu --> Opened by default --> Shows the client key to use it - Add some client message to make the game more intuitive - Each commands now work with the "!" at the beginning 0.21.5 - 28/05/2015 * Features - Add a new equipement: Napalm grenade ! - Completely rework the Faded camo --> Now designed to react depending on marine proximity and speed --> Allows the Faded to sneak much more, at closer range - Rework the marine buy menu and add text details for the marine sanity bar - The ambient light of the map now decreases with the sanity - The Faded now see corpses on the minimap (white marine/faded blip) * Balance - Reduce burn damages (from 7/s to 6/s) - Reduce by 10% heavy shotgun pellets (from 75 to 68) - Restore the observatory passive detection - Reduce Faded HP/AP and per marine bonus by 15% - Increase hp bonus per marine (about 8%) - Increase stab poison damages (75 -> 85) and duration (30s -> 25s) - Add a +5 armor bonus for the Faded when eating a corpses - Increase growl damages (17dmg -> 18dmg) - Decrease growl rate (10s -> 9s) - Decrease the Faded babbler ability cost (26 -> 24) - Increase the number of babbler spawn by the ability (4 -> 5) - Reduce swipe cost (14 -> 12) - Increase blue flashlight intensity (22m -> 26m) - Fake marine now appears in blue for regular marine when obs is up * Fixes - Fixed Growl damages triggered twice or more - Fixed the hunter ability tracing hallucination - Fixed all upgrade being reset when taking a jetpack or an exo - Fixed sentry battery locked when dropped on an already powered up building - Fixed building not spawning when the round start (pg & main building) - Fixed Faded being the faded 5+ times in a row * Others - Add sanity bonus on hit for gas and cluster grenade - Send auto chat messages when the anticamp is triggered - Add a lots of variable in the json - Optimisation of the Growl code 0.21.4 - 19/05/2015 * Feature - The faded can now create babblers against some hp - The prototype labs now drops jetpack and exo * Balance - heavy shotgun improved (range & damage) --> Reduce pellet number (from 100 to 75) --> Increase damages per pellet (from 2 to 3) --> Increase the pellet on a double shot (50% bonus to 60% bonus) --> reduce max spread by approx 15% --> Reduce weapon ammo (from 8 to 6) - Turn on again anticamp in the main base - Decrease anticamp radius (from 15 to 10m) - Reduce max camp duration (from 60 to 45s) - Reduce babblers lifetime (from 60s to 40s) - Building auto kill a babbler if attacked - Now 2 battery spawn when the round begin - Divide by 2 the marine sanity pool - Remove the observatory passive detection ability - Reduce stab damages (from 25 to 10) - Remove the wallgrip cost for the Faded - Increase swipe cost (from 12 to 14) - Marine are auto promoted to Veteran with at most 3 players in game - Reduce battery weigth (from 0.5 to 0.4 (a shotgun is 0.14)) - Increase regular shotgun ammo (from 8 to 10) - Increase flame mines num (from 1 to 2) - Decrease battery health (from 1500/300 to 1300/200) * Fixe - Fixed Faded able to swipe without any stamina - Fixed Faded location on entity change (marine <-> faded) - Fixed lag when using the heavy shotgun alt fire - Fixed marine using the hunter ability not having the minimap - Fixed hint messages spamming server log - Fixed flashlight only detecting the faded under the cursor - Review the faded stab (is now triggered immediatly) - Fixed building destroy animation not working - Fixed fake marine not seeing damages with their weapon * Other - Update the "scan" weapon description (how to use it) - Add a hint messages when a marine try to buy a weapon after the delay - Add more configuration variable to the json - Server side json modification are now also logged in the client console 0.21.3 - 09/05/2015 * Features - Add a marine hunting ability * Fixe - Fixed battery not powering the closest building in range 0.21.2 - 05/05/2015 * Features - Add damage display when the observatory is up - Add a second objectiv part with the prototype labs (Faded hunt) - Add a new primary weapon: The heavy shotgun * Balance - Increase a bit the faded cloack amount - Reduce base hp of the faded but increase hp bonus per marine - Increase the sanity damages on a stab (3/s -> 5/s) - Increase hand grenade number (2 --> 3) - Increase battery icon range - Remove anticamp nearby a marine building - Increase by 2 the sanity pool - Reduce by 10% flash light sanity regeneration - A marine can't use his main weapon anymore when holding a battery - Decrease mine minimum drop range limitation (25m -> 20m) - Increase pulse grenade energy damages (0 -> 10) - Marines building are now almost invulnerable (except PG & batteries) - Increase a bit faded cloack - Increase battery spawn time (1min30 -> 3min) ---> But spawn also a battery each time one is put in the main base * Fixe - Faded being fully invisible when revived - Fixed score being reset on the next round - Fixed battery spawning always at the same place - Fixed observatory not giving the minimap anywhere - Fixed the json configuration file when setting a value to 'false' or '0' - Fixed the flameMines GUI that display ammo * Other - Reviving a fade give now 10 points - Add a lots of variable in the json configuration files 0.21.1 - 18/04/2015 * Features - Add a "heal" order when a friend fade die - Make hint message random (whitout any duplicate) - Fake marines can now take the phase gate * Balance - Reduce base hp/armor of the faded - Increase hp/armor bonus per marine - Add the location of the battery when it spawns - Increase battery spawn time by 30s - Reduce phase gate health and armor by almost 2 * Fixe - Fixed flame mines not working - Fixed veteran upgrade - Fixed server console beeing spam by battery messages - Fixed eat/revive progress bar beeing reset for nothing - Fixed faded revive not working - Fixed errors when taking a life form different than Fade - Fixed marines not able to pick the battery with cluster grenade 0.21 - Research & Destroy - 15/04/2015 * Features - Add the objective mod -- Building: RoboticsFactory/ArmsLab/Armory/Observatory - Add Flame mines - Add an "unstuck" chan command - Add hint messages every 60s to help new players - Faded can revive a dead fade in cost of some HP * Balance - Increase cluster grenade damages (dmg*2) - Make the faded slightly more visible * Fixe - Fixed Faded/Marine stuck at spawn - Fixed Marines not having the builder - Lots of minor fix - Mines do not blow anymore on infestation (body mine trap) - Fixed flashlight turning red only for the local marine - Fixed chat message key hint to correspond to the binding of the player - Fixed fake marine welding an other fake marine * Optimization server side - 09/04/2015 * Fixed - Fix faded/Marines beeing stuck at the spawn point * Balance - Reduce by 10% Faded hp/armor - Increase by 5% the faded visibility 0.20.8 - 08/04/2015 * Fixes - Fix Faded capable of eating/using hallucination corpse - Fix Babbler bugs - Fix the broken menu (name not displayed) * Feature - Faded Wallgrip is back again - Infestion and gaz have been fixed on corpse - The marine flashlight can now detect the faded (but in cost of energy) - Change the faded camo to be transparant (like the regular ns2) - The faded can now see marines on the minimap - Add phasegate at marine spawn points - Add 1pv/2s regeneration for the faded * Balance - Increase anticamp detection time - Decrease pulse grenade damages (70 -> 40) - Increase explosion radius of the pulse grenade (7 --> 10) - Decrease leap energy cose - Increase swipe energy cost * Other - Remove the GUI bar on the faded, now useless 0.20.7 - 21/03/2015 * Fixes - Fix faded attack - Compatibility with all the new NS2 build since the 0.20.6 Faded version * Regression - Wallgripping has been disable 0.20.6 - 18/05/2014 * Fixes - Fix the leap - Fix changemap in middle game * Feature - Rewrite the Ragdoll management --> Infestion and gaz have been removed --> Now correctly use the real corpse location --> Remove the green flamethrower Icon --> The faded is able to push the corpse with the swipe * Balance - Decrease "eat" time to 4s (from 4.5) - Remove the limitation for the Fade to disguise if someone see him - Reduce babblers life time to 1min (down to 5min) - Reduce babblers max number on map to 100 (from 150) - 11/05/2014 * Fixes - Fix faded not able to Disguise himself - Fix Leap consuming energy but not triggered - Fix Faded stabbing a marine 10+ time in the same second * Balance - Decrease maximum sanity malus with the amount of players - Increase energy after a stab to 25% (from 15%) - Increase Stab sanity damage per sec to 3 (from 2) - Decrease mine max damage to 100 (from 125) - Decrease Faded scale to 9 (from 10) - Denied the Faded to swipe 2s after Dropping his Fake Marine * Optimisation - Remove Hallucination corpse after 15s 0.20.5 - 10/05/2014 * Fixes - Fix Faded stab bugs - Fix an exception in LibTimer - Fix changemap endless loop - Fix changemap crash - Fix marine weapon drop - Fix Faded not doing gradual melee attacks - Fix Fake marine name being set to "Kill me I am a spy" - Fix Stab effect/trigger/client GUI - Fix exception when a Fake marine stab a Marine - Fix chat notification spam when changing to a Fake marine - Fix Faded not seeing other Faded on screen - Fix DamageMixin.lua exception when moving to RR just after being killed - Fix marine spawning near the Faded when the round start - Fix winner always having 100% chance to get the Faded - Fix babblers spawn if the game has not started - Fix sanity issue when there are too much players * Features - Add alien vision to the Fake marine - Rewrite the Fake marine Stab ability and effects - Rewrite the Faded "eat corpse" ability - Rewrite the Faded camouflage --> Each marine see the Faded depending on his sanity pool and his own Faded proximity - Add "spectatefaded" chat command --> Auto spectate when dead and auto join back on the next round - Rewrite the Faded configuration file "FadedConfig.json" --> Log each modification on the Server console ----> Ex: Faded: Global [kFadedVeteranHealth] has been set to 666. (Default: 110) * Balance - Increase Faded approach sound volume - Increase Faded approach sound radius to 16 (from 15) - Increase Faded energy when drop his Fake marine - Decrease Faded energy when use Stab as a Fake marine - Increase Faded total invisibility range to 23 (from 19) - Increase slightly the bile bomb velocity - Only allow the primary weapon do be dropped and picked - Increase the number of veteran to 1 for each 6 marines (from 1 for 7) - 05/05/2014 - HotFix from timeout (maybe crash?) when changemap. 0.20.4 - 04/05/2014 * Fix - Fix Fake marine main weapon - Fix eating corpse check (now correclty use line of sight) - Fix bile bomb velocity - Fix swipe range * Features - Add a Stab ability to the Fake marine * Balance - Reduce the chance to have hallucination in stress Mode of 20% - Change Fake marine footstep - Increase Faded approach sound volume - Increase mine explosion trigger radius - Reduce energy drain of the Flamethrower 0.20.3 - 03/05/2014 * Fix - Fix missing faded with a 10+ game - Fix Faded beeing stuck when droping the Fake marine body - Fix hallucination revelancy for the Faded - Remove hallucination HP/AP display when the round end - Fix hallucination spawn out of map - Fix exception when the Fade hit a door - Fix exception when using the leap with the swipe - Fix the growl damage in multi Faded - A Veteran alive now correctly keeps his Veteran for the next round - Fix the sanity pool not updated on spectator if full or empty - Fix the Faded mode to completly work with the new NS2 release - Fix score display on Web interface - Fix bile bomb not fire just when the game start * Features - Add babblers hallucination - Add ambient sound and effects - Change the "request order" voice - Add help GUI on how to use corpse with player binding * Balance - Increase the "eat/use/burn corpse" radius to 2.5 (from 1.5) - Increase Infestation growth rate - Replace the anti spawn kill system with a nanoshield - Increase Veteran speed to 9% (from 8%) * Optimisation - Rewrite the ambient sound system 0.20.2 - 26/04/2014 * Fixe - Fixe flamethrower unable to burn a corpse - Fixe faded eating multiple time the same corpse - Fixe hallucination blue cloud visible by teammate - Fixe pulse grenade damage on owner - Fixe persistante attack order on Veteran (When a fake marine goes Fade while detected) - Fixe hallucination suicide notification * Features - Rewrite the scoring system to avoid the 9999 bug and make it easier to understand -- 100 points is the maximum reward --> Ex: If the Faded has 100hp, and you deal 38, you will have 38pts * Design - Move the timer to the right to not block players name when spectating - Add details error message when the Faded is unable to eat a body - Print Faded health/armor when the round is over. * Balance - Reduce Veteran scale to 1 for 7 marines (down to 5) - Decrease Veteran fake marine attack order radius to 8 (from 9) - Reduce babblers number to 12 (from 15) - Decrease long range visibility - Slightly reduce fade long range visibility - Decrease Veteran fake marine attack order radius to 5 (from 9) - Remove alien Friendly Fire - Hallucination now give a fake point indicator - Change the hallucination spawn and attack to really fake a Faded - Add a really low chance to spawn an hallucination in Stress mode * Optimisation -- Reduce by 2 the network traffic of spectator 0.20.1 - 20/04/2014 * Fix - Fix "kik" bug when the Faded get killed by a Flamethrower - Fix corpse not removed * Feature - Marine only see death notification for nearby marine * Balance - Increase Faded cloak - Remove minimap for classic marine -- Only Veteran can see other marine - Pulse Grenades deal 70 damages ( before 50) - Faded get less armor and health per marine * Features - Faded can devour corpses to heal himself 0.20 - Body Snatcher - 19/04/2014 * Fixes - Fixe "Fade comming sound" of dead faded - Fixe losing fade becoming fade again * Features - Changing the cloack ability of the Faded - Adding to the Faded the ability to disguise with corpse - Adding Faded disguise mecanic -- Some marines are not really on your side -- TIPS: --- Trust Veteran --- *They can easily detect the Fake Marines --- *Veterans are always real Marine * Balance (v0.20 feature in beta test) - Remove Faded name when using a Fake Marine - Remove minimap icon of the Fake marine when on sight - Decrease pulse grenade damage to 50 (from 90) - Increase pulse damage on GL owner (x2) - Decrease mine number to 2 (from 3) - Increase mine limitation radius to 25 (from 20) 0.19.4 - 15/04/2014 * Fix - Fix corpse spawn when the round start - Fix grenade description on the equipement buy menu * Balance - Remove the Multi Faded 20% health/armor penality - Increase Rifle damage to 13.5 (from 13) - Increase Rifle clip to 65 (from 50) -- Now the Rifle deals 243dps (Shotgun = 193dps) 0.19.3 - 12/04/2014 * Fixes - Fixe "Auto join" bug for players in RR and spectator - Fixe Veteran weapon GUI to be above the Veteran (and not behind) - Fixe Veteran movement (Smooth move on Client side) - Fixe Babbler exception - Fixe minimap exception when spectating * Feature - Adding chat warning if the sanity pool is too low - Adding decomposed body infestation/gaz/GUI - Dead body now stay on the map (in preparation for the version 0.20) * Design - Changing minimap color for Veteran * Balance - Reduce Veteran Speed bonus to +8% (from +10%) - Adding Veteran selection after a Draw - Upgrade the Flamethrower to remove decomposed body area 0.19.2 - 10/04/2014 * Fixes - Fixe several exceptions in Server VM - Fixe Veteran speed bonus * Feature - Change babbler design to shadow babbler - Adding GUI for Veteran distinction - Adding GUI for Veteran upgrade - Adding file "FadedCustomGlobals.lua" for custom server configuration * Balance - Increase Anti camp trigger time to 45 (from 25) - Increase Babbler number to 15 (from 6) - Increase Anti camp radius to 15 (from 10) - Slightly decrease flamethrower damage of 7% - Slightly increase flamethrower clip (from 20 to 30) - Slightly decrease nearby marine flashligth bonus (from 0.5 to 0.4) * Optimisation - Reduce network traffic by 3 0.19.1 - 08/04/2014 * Fixes - Fixe mine damage as Veteran - Fixe "new round" bug: -- Player is the faded 6+ times -- Game start several times -- Player kiked out - Fixe Veteran endround choice (does not include the new Faded player) * Feature - Anti camp system added * Balance - Multiply by 2 the damage of the flamthrower (direct flame) - Increase GL Grenade explosion radius to 7.5 (from 6.5) - Increase nearby flashlight sanity bonus to 0.5/s (from 0.2) - Decrease a bit welder damage - Increase Veteran health to 110 (from 100) - Increase marine buy time to 10s (from 8) 0.19 Veteran - 07/04/2014 * Fixes - Fix Faded spawn as a Marine - Fix Multi faded armor amount - Fix Fadedhelp chat command * Features - Flash light now increase nearby marine sanity - Adding marinehelp chat command - Adding Veteran marine system * Balance - Decrease Faded scale to 10 (from 12) - Decrease round bonus time per marine to 30s (from 45s) 0.18 MultiFade - 03/04/2014 * Fixes - Fixe Faded spawn without the "swipe" weapon - Fixe exception when a marine suicide himself and then purchase a weapon * Features - Multi fade system (one fade every 12 marines) - Adding team chat/all talk choice to the faded team to allow teamwork - Adding name to hallucination to fake Faded death 0.17.2 - 31/03/2014 * Fixes - Fixe Grenade launcher grenade selection -- Do not throw en electric grenade when pressing the left click - Fixe "nofade" chat command - Fixe score exception * Features - Adding hand grenade selection on the buy menu -- Pulse/Cluster/Gaz would take the place of a welder or a mine * Balances - Change the faded selection system -- The winner has 80% of the chance to be the Faded -- If the Faded win again, he has 60% of chance - Reduce electric grenade direct hit to 90 (from 110) - Increase GL primary grenade explosion radius to 6.5 (from 4.8) 0.17.1 - 30/03/2014 * Fixes - Fixed bile bomb (do not drain sanity) - Fixed Flamethrower bugs - Fixed Flamethrower burn damage -- Now correctly deal 7 damage over 7s - Fixed score bug * Features - Adding alternate fire on the Grenade launcher -- Now the player has Electric grenade with the GL * Balances - Decrease Growl damage (20, down to 100) - Increase Rifle damage to 13 (from 10) - Increase Growl cooldown to 10 (from 0) 0.17a - 29/03/2014 - Fix Bilebomb - Fix Damage & Growl - Add HUD for spectator mod 0.17 Fear Factor (official ?) - 29/03/2014 - Vector & Katzenfleisch join de team * Fixes - Fixed the "1HP" invincible bug (Eclipse/Raffinery/Docking/Descent) - Fixed Faded selection system - Fixed power node bug in the marine spawn room - Fixed "double start" game - Fixed minimap GUI for the Faded * Features - Added Full Sanity game mechanic - Added Full Sanity Effects - Added Full Sanity GUI - Added Faded Growl abability (bind on "use") - Added Marine quick-talk menu to the Faded - Added dynamic Health and Armor on the Faded - Added dynamic round time - Added random spawn to the Fade and marines --- Marines are splitted into 2 groups (if more than 6 marines) --- The Faded can spawn on Techpoint and RessourcePoint * Balance - Remove parasite effect on mine - Rewrite the Faded selection system --- 80% Chance on kill --- 20% Random - Increase Flamethrower damage to 7 (from 2.5) - Increase Flamethrower burn duration to 7 (from 2.5) - Decrease Flamethrower surface Friendly Fire damage (damage / 3) * Details Sanity. Each marine has a Sanity pool. If the Sanity pool is too low, random scary sound effets and halucination pops out. TIP: If your flashlight is turned on, you can regenerate your mental health. (Various things influence the mental health, you will have to find out). 0.16 (no official) - 03/03/2014 - Fix error LUA when loading. - Change title name of window NS2. - Check for 263 0.15 (no official) - 20/12/2013 - Fix error 0.14 (no official) - 17/09/2013 - Check for 256 - Blink fade return (?) - Clean value kFadeFov - Increase score point of fade (100 to 137) - Clean string on top "Faded Mod: " to "Faded Mod" - Add version in load mod 0.13 (no official) - 07/09/2013 - Fix for build 255 0.12 (no official) - 31/08/2013 - Fix for build 254 - Fade lost fast move (Good luck, no find solution for this moment) - Fix LUA Error Server Message 0.11 (no official) - 07/07/2013 - Merge from official 0.95 - Return of HUD Marine (but light!) - Fade lost one move. - Other light fix. - Remove Lib Light from Gobi Mod. 0.10 (no official) - 30/06/2013 - Fix error lua - Fix crash for 249 - Fix error when enter in menu - Fix UI Marine not disable - Fix fade don't spawn & move - Fix fade move not work - Merge from Gobi mod - Add FadeFov from Gobi mod (value 120) - Nerf AcidRocketEnergyCost to 15 from Gobi mod (old value 20) - Increase duration Flame to 2.5 from Gobi mod (old value 1.5) - Increase bombratefire to 3 from Gobi mod (old value 1) - Increase WallGrip for fade to 10 from Gobi mod (old value 6)