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Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 31 août 2013 10:10
par Romu/BarbOuZ
Bonjours, depuis la maj le jeux est devenu tres instable, je ne peut pas jouer plus de 5 mn sans que le jeux bloque et se ferme, j'ai reintallé mis a jour se qui pouvais l etre et toujours instable. dx 9 dx 11 open gl toujours le meme pb.
est ce que quelqu'un a le meme problème ou mieux une solution.

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 01 septembre 2013 20:16
Cela fonctionnera peut-être, peut-être pas: va dans ton dossier NS2 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2), clic droit sur l’exécutable NS2.exe, propriétés, onglet compatibilité, et coche "Désactiver la composition du Bureau"

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 01 septembre 2013 22:00
par Romu/BarbOuZ
merci j essaye des demain j'informerai d'une amelioration ou non.

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 02 septembre 2013 21:11
par Romu/BarbOuZ
toujours le meme pb

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 00:14
Problème similaire à l'autre topic, et j'avoue n'avoir aucune idée de la source. Si les gars du forum officiel ne peuvent rien non plus peut-être que le prochain patch, qui devrait sortir courant de la semaine, règlera ça.

Désolé de ne pas pouvoir aider plus que ça.

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 08:49
par Romu/BarbOuZ
je patiente alors. dommage que les serveurs de ns1 soit vide pour passer le temps.

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 12:55
par MGS-3
Peut tu exécuté techsupport.exe situé dans ton dossier de Natural Selection 2 qui nous permettra de peut être trouver une piste.

Notons que si tu as des logiciel (hormis Steam) qui te fais des popup, du style DropBox,, je sais par expérience que sa perturber Natural Selection 2. Egallement du style Razer fait des popup pour savoir la sensibilité de ta souris, je ne sais pas si y'a un lien, mais tu pourrait tester si tu as un logiciel pour ton clavier ou souris qui te faire des popup ingame. (De même si tu as mumble, skype, teamspeak ....)

Joue-tu en mode fullscreen ou mode fenêtrer (pour patienté peut être un de ses mode calmerait les retours windows)

Petit note importante, fait attention au mod installé dans ton workshop, je ne sais pas si sa peut impacter, mais on ne sais jammais.

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 19:24
par mecha31
Merci de vos réponses !

Oui voici le résutlat fais avec tech_support :

Je n'ai aucun mode d'activé ou même d'installer :(

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 20:24
par Romu/BarbOuZ
Date: 09/03/13
Time: 20:33:02:
Build 254
Windows 7 32-bit (build 7601)
Error: PhysX: Invalid Cuda context!
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 11 initialized [feature level 10.1] (ATI FireGL V7700)
Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (Périphérique High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: Microphone (Logitech Mic (Pro 5000))
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/biodome/biodome_glass.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Level.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/water_refract.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Level_alpha.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 4794 faces, 3566 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/2em_scroll_vtxcolor.surface_shader'
Error: Couldn't open file 'D:/build/assets/materialsrc/biodome/biodome_glass_01.material'
Error: No shader specified for material 'D:/build/assets/materialsrc/biodome/biodome_glass_01.material'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/2em_1norm_scroll_distort_vtxcolor.surface_shader'
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 254
Steam Id: 7745395
Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 4794 faces, 3566 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/Emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/Emissive_glow.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/alien.surface_shader'
Connecting to server
Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
Downloading mods
Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
Finished downloading and installing mods
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1378216347/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5fd7a38_1378040491/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m9564f8e_1372585363/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1378120648/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m8517fda_1368247963/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m759737b_1367434606/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/ma1996d5_1377943835/
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/structures/death_large_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/chuckle_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/common/hatch_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/need_healing_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Compress library loaded
Loading config://ns2stats_client_data.json
Server is using NS2stats, you can find your stats at
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_spit.surface_shader'
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
[ 1.6] All rights & contents reserved UWE
Compress library loaded
Loading config://ns2stats_client_data.json
Server is using NS2stats, you can find your stats at
Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
Cooked mesh with 12 faces, 8 vertices
Cooked mesh with 12 faces, 8 vertices
Cooked mesh with 12 faces, 8 vertices
Cooked mesh with 12 faces, 8 vertices
Cooked mesh with 12 faces, 8 vertices
Cooked mesh with 32 faces, 18 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 28 faces, 16 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/Level_alpha.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/Decal.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/SkyBox.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 48196 faces, 35822 vertices
Cooked mesh with 48758 faces, 34837 vertices
Cooked mesh with 2014 faces, 1713 vertices
Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Level.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/hologram.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/water_refract.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/props/docking/docking_shower_fx_puddle.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/forcefield.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Level_emissive.surface_shader'
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
Cooked mesh with 48196 faces, 35822 vertices
Cooked mesh with 48758 faces, 34837 vertices
Cooked mesh with 2014 faces, 1713 vertices
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_alien_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/placement_invalid.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/umbra.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/hive_frag.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_marine.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/detected.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/hallucination.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/whip/ball.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_alien.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/gorge/web.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/alien_blood.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_marine_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/placement_valid.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/Infestation.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/umbra_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/alien.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/rupture.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/build.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/pulse_gre_elec.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/pulse_gre_elec.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/marine/marine.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/power/powered_decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/parasited.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_shell.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/marine/marine_noemissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield_exoview.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/marine/armory/health_indicator.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/parasited.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/bilebomb.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/ghoststructure.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/ExoMinigunView.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/ExoScreen.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/bilebomb_exoview.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/cloaked.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/vortex.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_ball.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/marine/command_station/command_station_display.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/fade/fade.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/lerk/lerk.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/marine_ip_spawn.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/spit_decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/fade_blink.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/PowerNode_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/ghoststructure.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Decal_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/alien_frag.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/elec_trails.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel_emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/Decal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/emissive.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/energy_flow.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/descent_gravity.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/marine/prototype_lab/prototype_lab_screen.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/alien_alpha.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/alien/cyst/cyst.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/ExoView.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/refract_normal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/Emissive_glow.surface_shader'
Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/refract_emissive_normal.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/props/descent/descent_skybox_planet.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/props/descent/descent_skybox_planet_ring.surface_shader'
Compiling 'models/props/descent/descent_skybox_planet_asteroids.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/GUISmoke.surface_shader'
Chat All - NS2Stats: Bienvenue chez ! Notre Teamspeak
Chat All - NS2Stats: You can use 'stats' in console for commands and help.
killed with Gore
KUKSLUKARN killed Poney tout doux with Gore
DAMN, LAST FRIDAY N killed User1Brendan with Gore
Asier -{RDS}- killed DAMN, LAST FRIDAY N with Rifle
Kane killed Xshine with Bite
Warning: Was not able to find the type of asset for shaders/GUIAura.surface_shader while precacheing
Call stack:
CallStack [C]:-1
PrecacheAsset lua/Utility.lua:1663
scriptLoad [C]:-1
Load lua/EventTester.lua:191
SharedCreate lua/GUIManager.lua:74
CreateGUIScript lua/GUIManager.lua:98
AddScripts lua/ClientUI.lua:209
EvaluateUIVisibility lua/ClientUI.lua:239
Compiling 'shaders/GUISmokeHUD.surface_shader'
Compiling 'shaders/GUIWavyNoMask.surface_shader'
Poney tout doux killed Kane with Rifle
User1Brendan killed Grey Fox with Rifle
Error: Couldn't load texture 'models/props/descent/' (Couldn't lock file)
[HS]=> Kook killed User1Brendan with Gore
[HS]=> Kook killed Poney tout doux with Gore
Some guy killed Dany with Swipe
[HS]=> Kook killed Mrhyde with Gore
Asier -{RDS}- killed Some guy with Rifle
Skynferno [FR] killed la titemiss FR with Bite
killed DAMN, LAST FRIDAY N with None
Command Station killed Jake Sirus with None
KUKSLUKARN killed Dany with Gore
[Fr]Romu / BarbOuZ killed Poney tout doux with Bite

Re: Retour windows frequent depuis la maj

Posté : 03 septembre 2013 20:26
par Romu/BarbOuZ
voici le fichier log.txt unique fichier du debug report. je joue en plein ecran je ferme tout les logiciels pouvant ouvrir un pop up. et mon workshop est vide. j'ai un ding de windows quand sa plante